Introduction to Cubs
For Cubs, excitement and adventure are key.
Age range: 8 – 10.5
Meeting times: Every Monday, 7pm to 8.30pm
Their programme offers a huge variety of activities surrounding areas of fitness, global and beliefs; whilst allowing them to be creative and get involved in their local communities. Cubs are introduced to exciting outdoor skills and take part in adventurous activities, as well as camps and residential experiences.
The Cub Pack is the second section of the Scout Group following on from Beavers. Cub Scouts are young people aged between 8 and 10 ½. A Cub Pack is usually organised into small groups called Sixes, each headed up by an older Cub called a Sixer, and often with a Seconder as well. Sixes can be used in a number of ways to facilitate the organisation of the Cub Scout Pack. They may provide a ‘home’ area for Cub Scouts to gather at points before, during or after the Six meeting.
During their time in the Pack, Cub Scouts will get a chance to try a wide range of different activities as well as going on trips, days out, and on camps. Participation rather than meeting set standards is the key approach, and there are a range of challenge awards and badges available that Cub Scouts can gain during their time in the section to recognise their achievements.
The link to the Scout Troop is made over a period of four to six weeks during which they will gain their Moving-On Award.